Saturday, May 4, 2024

Club Event at Currie Park Golf Course - Results

Hello fellas,

Beautiful day and the course was in great shape for the beginning of May!!

There was some good golf going on too!!

Jeff Camosy shot 5 under par net and Steve Wolter shot a gross 76.
John Hirsch, Alton Weigley and Wayne Suess all shot under par net!!
Jeff Kapp, Dominic Carini and Jeff Brandt shot gross 78's!!

Great individual efforts but the event of the day was a 2 Man Net Best Ball!!

We had a 3 way tie for first place:
Jack Bruss and John Hirsch          -7
Glen Barkow and Jeff Camosy        -7
Alton Weigley and Steve Jaeger      -7

Each first place team receives $60!!

Fourth place was Darrell Frenzel and Bill Zolandz at -6!! The team will receive $30.
Fifth place was Bryan Olen and Jeff Kapp at -5!! That team will receive $20!

Link to Full Results

Congrats to all!!

There were 8 skins worth $21 each. Steve Wolter won 2 skins and Jeff Kapp, John Dobroski, Phil Levin, John Hirsch, Gary Fenzl and Jeff Brandt all had one skin each!!

One more mention about pace of play . . . please keep up with the group in front of you and/or keep pace with the course pace of play!!

Hope you all enjoyed our home course,

Steve Wolter

VP and Tournament Director

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