Sunday, June 23, 2024

Club Event at Washington County Golf Course - Results

Hello boys,

Well, the weather cooperated but it was not a nice day at all!! Mist, rain, a bit of sun, wind, clouds most of the day . . . We had quite a weather day!!

The course was in pretty nice shape considering all the rain we've had!!

Most of us were looking forward to the Irish 4-ball event but that had to change because of a few no shows!!

We split the field and had a flighted individual net event!!

2 nice gross scores were shot by Mike O'Neil (73) and Scott Brandt (79).

Winners of the event were:

A Flight
Scott Brandt and Mike O'Neil         -2 Net  $37.50 each
Henry Mayer                      Even    $20
Mark Cuthbert                     +1       $10

B Flight
Jack Bruss                         -2 Net   $45
Ben Sevener                       -1      $30
Doug Schafer & Pete Tarantino        +1      $15 each

Congrats to all!!

There were 8 skins worth $15 each.  Gary Fenzl had 2 skins and Steve Wolter, Mike O'Neil, Henry Mayer, Darrell Frenzel, Doug Schafer and Brian Pederson each had a skin!!

Link to Full Results

Steve Wolter

VP & Event Coordinator

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