Saturday, June 8, 2024

Club Event at West Bend Lakes Golf Club - Results

Hello boys,

Not a pretty day to play golf. But the golfers who started all finished!!! The greens rolled great but the back nine got a little wet!!

There were some really good scores on an ugly day!!

Chuck Silkey and Dave Ullenberg both shot 77 gross and Jeff Camosy shot -3 net!! Nice job fellas!!

Winners of the individual net event:
1st Jeff Camosy       -3   $60
T2 Doug Schafer       E   $40
T2 Steve Jaeger        E   $40
T2 Dave Ullenberg      E   $40
5th Rob Sweeney       +1   $20
Brian Pederson, Harry Markos and Steve Wolter will split the remaining $25. They all shot +2 net.

There were 7 skins worth $13!!

Jeff Camosy, Steve Amble, Chuck Silkey, John Hirsch, Jeff Kapp, Dave Ullenberg and Brian Pederson each had a skin!!!

See you soon,

Steve Wolter

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