Here are the final results for the 2023 Tour of the County season. Congrats to Dom Carini for winning the season long event at -4!!!
Cuthbert, myself, and Jaeger finished the year under par. 5 over and better got you in the top 12 and a portion of the payout.
Thank you all for playing this season.
The rain held off and we had a nice day for TOC #7 at Nag. Dom Carini played great, winning the event both gross (76) and net (-1). The strong performance also led Dom to win the season long TOC championship. Congrats Dom!!!
Tarantino, Frenzel, Mader, Condella, Garbers, Zolandz and Evans also played well and cashed.
Skins paid $18.75 each and were had by Garbers (2), Evans III (3), Sweeney (5), and Carini (18).
Results from this last weekend’s event at TOC Mee-Kwon are attached. Gary Zwirlein played outstandingly and won the event at net -5. M. Schreindl, Garbers, Camosy, Tarantino, and Pederson also played well and cashed. Jake Boulware was medalist with a gross 77. Nice playing by all!
Skins were $27 each going to Boulware (#1), Condella (#3), Camosy (#4), Schafer (#10).
Thank you to Jeff Camosy for pinch hitting at the scoring tent for me.
Final TOC event is set for Friday, September 17 at The Nag.
Oakwood was in great shape, a bit wet after Friday's storms, but even with tough pin placements there were some great scores. Rob Sweeney won the event with a net -3. Dom Carini was medalist with a gross 78.
Pederson, C. Mader, Carini, Cuthbert and Weigley all shot at or below their target scores and cashed in the event.
Skins were $38 each and had by Pederson, (#2), C. Mader (#3), and Camosy (#8).
Link to Full Results
Results for TOC #4, Tom Condella won the event with a net -4. Tom was also medalist with a gross 77, great shooting!
Olen, Hirsch, Ullenberg, Alba and Jaeger also played well and cashed.
Skins were $21 each and had by Reiter (#1), Carini (#4), Camosy (#5), Jaeger (#6), Ullenberg (#11), and Hirsch (#16).
Link to Full Results
Year-to-date results are also included. If you don't have the rounds in, I assumed you shoot your target score in your next round.
Year-to-date results are also included. If you don't have the rounds in, I assumed you shoot your target score in your next round.
Congrats to Jack Bruss and Mark Cuthbert for their first place tie at TOC #3. Jack and Mark both shot net -3. Mark was also your medalist with a gross score of 77. Nice shooting.
Camosy, Tarantino, McGrath, and Pederson also played well and cashed.
Skins were had by Cuthbert (#4), Carini (#11), Sweeney (#16), Condella (#17), and Pederson (#18). Each skin paid $22.
Link to Full Results
Skins were had by Cuthbert (#4), Carini (#11), Sweeney (#16), Condella (#17), and Pederson (#18). Each skin paid $22.
Link to Full Results
We had a beautiful day for golf. The greens were fast and there were some very difficult pin placements throughout the course.
Yours truly won his first TOC event in all the years at the helm. I shot gross 77 for medalist and net -5 to win the event. Jaeger, Weigley, Carini, Ullenberg also played well and cash. Alba, Amble, and Cuthbert played solidly, walking away with $1.67 apiece.
Skins were had by Kapp (7), Fenzl (14), and Ullenberg (16). Each skin paid $38.
The rain held off for a nice overcast morning of golf. The rough was lush, but scoring conditions were ideal and the course was in great shape!
Darrell Frenzel took advantage taking the event with a net -4 and tied for low gross of the day. Well done Mr. Frenzel!
Dominic Carnini also shot a tied low gross 77 and tied for second along with Bowring at -3. Cuthbert, Jaeger, and McGrath also played well and cashed.
Skins were worth $30 a piece and had by Sweeney (#1), Carini (#13), Ullenberg (#16) and Mader (#18).
Link to Full Results
All Currie Park Men’s Golf Club members are welcome; handicaps range from 2 to 28
Play against your own handicap (Target Score), adjusted for the course and selected tee box
$50 entry fee for the season (100% paid out at end of season) for low net scores at each event, based on your Target Score, skins game at each event. Top low net total paid at year end (your best 4 of 7 net scores)
No penalty for missed events, only four lowest scores count for year end
If you would like to join, please pay the $50 entry fee to Brian Pederson, the Club Treasurer, and let him know you are joining the “Tour of the County”
2023 TOC Schedule:
May 13 at Whitnall Park Golf Course
June 10 at Brown Deer Park Golf Course
June 17 at Dretzka Park Golf Course
July 15 at Currie Park Golf Course
July 29 at Oakwood Park Golf Course
August 20 at Mee-Kwon Park Golf Course
September 17 at Naga-Waukee Golf Course
Corey Mader
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